Moderators may remove posts at their discretion. Requests for tech support and general setup help must be made in the dedicated Shopping and Setup Help Desk instead of a new post. Ask tech support and general questions in the Shopping and Setup Help Desk:.No selling or buying Please use /r/AVExchange.We do not allow: direct affiliate links, links to affiliate farms, links to external websites that use affiliate links, pirated content, NSFW/NSFL content, market research, surveys, sweepstakes, giveaways, spam or self promotion.The comment does not need to be exhaustive, but should strive to give enough information to start the discussion. Image posts: Image posts must be accompanied by a comment with impressions or details that add value to the post.Ask purchase and shopping questions in the Shopping and Setup Help Desk: Requests for product opinions, comparisons, and general purchase advice must be made in the dedicated Shopping and Setup Help Desk instead of a new post.